Vonintsoa Rafaly

Vonintsoa Rafaly


  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet

    Global Environmental Issues and International Solidarity: Between Myth and Reality

    Rafaly, Vonintsoa, 2023, The Principle of Solidarity: International and EU Law Perspectives. Kassoti, E. & Idriz, N. (red.). The Hague: Springer, s. 75-97

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  3. Udgivet

    Science diplomacy and Asian states: Transforming the governance landscape in the Arctic

    Argüello, G. & Rafaly, Vonintsoa, 2023, I: Polar Record. 59, 3, 10 s., e41.

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  4. 2022
  5. Udgivet

    The Law of the Sea in the Age of Building an Appropriate Arctic Ocean Governance Addressing Climate Change Issues

    Rafaly, Vonintsoa, 2022, I: The Yearbook of Polar Law Online. 13, s. 233-251

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  6. Udgivet

    The concept of “Marine Living Resources”: Navigating through a Grey Zone in the Law of the Sea

    Rafaly, Vonintsoa, 2022, I: The Canadian yearbook of international law. Annuaire canadien de droit international. 59, s. 285-312 28 s.

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  7. 2021
  8. Coastal States Jurisdiction in the EEZ under UNCLOS: Focus on Marine Pollution from Ships Emissions

    Rafaly, Vonintsoa, 2021, I: Annuaire de Droit Maritime et Océanique. 39, s. 101-120

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