The Federal Bureau of Investigation and change: Addressing US domestic counterterrorism intelligence

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  • Adam David Morgan Svendsen
"ABSTRACT: In this article, shortcomings with US domestic counter-terrorism intelligence and associated efforts since 2000 are analysed. Potential suggestions for the extended development of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are then discussed. Some of these propositions touch on developments involving the domestic intelligence and security services of other countries, and explore their use concerning the future optimization of the FBI in the area of domestic counter-terrorism intelligence. Within the overall culture and operational approach of the FBI, today greater sustained emphasis still needs to be accorded to the ‘intelligence methodology’ of ‘wait and watch’. Simultaneously, the FBI needs to keep moving more from mainly a post facto emphasis to more of an a priori one in its investigations. Thereby, the FBI can continue to move towards improved delivery and better meet its role as a guarantor of US national security in a timely manner as the twenty-first century progresses." - abstract from Journal.
TidsskriftIntelligence and National Security
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)371-397
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2012

ID: 35313731