Uffe Jakobsen

Uffe Jakobsen


  1. 2005
  2. Udgivet

    Integration of the Baltic Sea Region in the European Union: Notions of State, Nation, Market and Democracy

    Jakobsen, Uffe, 2005, Political Integration and Northern Dimension of EU order. Schartau, M-B. (red.). Berlin: BaltSeaNet, s. 9-32 (BaltSeaNet, Bind 16).

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  3. Udgivet

    Political institutions and region building: Implementing democratic values in the Baltic Sea Region

    Jakobsen, Uffe, 2005, Changes, challenges and chances: conclusions and perspectives of Baltic Sea area studies. Henningsen, B. (red.). Berlin: Stollfuß Medien, s. 119-127 (The Baltic Sea region; Nr. 3).

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  4. Udgivet

    The concept of citizenship in Danish public discourse

    Jakobsen, Uffe, 2005, I: Contributions to the History of Concepts. 1, 2, s. 201-222

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